Lacey and Jonah were married in an outdoor ceremony at
Twin Cedar Farm on Saturday, a typical sunny but windy summer day. Twin Cedar is located in rural Rockford and has an air-conditioned pavilion on a hill overlooking a pond and gazebo. The wedding party was carried to/from the ceremony site in a horse-drawn wagon while the couple rode in a carriage.

Lacey and Jonah included their dog Grady in the ceremony, and the kids had fun walking him the rest of the day. The wedding colors were black and a rosey pink as shown with the flower girls' sashes.

everyone got a kick out of the groom's cake ...

Just after sunset, the guests lined up for a bubble exit. The sun had already gone down, but the light was reflecting off of the clouds above. It was a beautiful ending to a great day.

Sunday morning, Lacey and Jonah were up early so that we could do their couple photos in Knoxville before they left for their honeymoon, a cruise to the Bahamas. The morning was cool and overcast, much more comfortable than the day before. I was so glad that we did the photos early in the day as it ended up storming off and on for the rest of the day. An employee at Volunteer Landing was kind enough to let us through the gate so that we could get a few shots with the caboose of the
Three Rivers Rambler.