Being 06/07/08, this past Saturday was probably one of the most popular wedding dates of the year so congratulations to all the newly married couples! It also turned out to be super sunny and hot, but Malinda and Del took it all in stride. Their 6:30 ceremony was held on Malinda's family farm in Greenback.
The girls wore bright aqua blue dresses and carried bouquets of pink peonies and green hydrangea. I love, love peonies, and the colors were perfect. As always,
Mulberries did an amazing job with the flowers. The ceremony programs were attached to fans for the guests to use in the heat and backed with either the aqua or a green that matched the groomsmen's ties.

The ceremony was held on a hill with amazing views. As I arrived at the site, I noticed several cameras pointed to the sky and no wonder... I've seen light coming from behind a cloud, but this huge cloud was really amazing in the way it was lit from within. After hearing some thunder, I was afraid that we would end up wet before the end of the ceremony and formals, but it seemed to rain everywhere except the Burkhart farm. You may also notice part of a golf cart and classic car in the background - rides for the bridesmaids and bride respectively. We later rode the golf cart back up the hill for a few photos with the sunset.

The wedding was a beautiful blend of the rustic and the refined.

Most people are a little reserved or uncomfortable in front of a camera, but these candid shots really show Malinda and Del's joy shining through.

After the ceremony, we shot a few, quick photos in the fields on the hill overlooking the reception tent.

Finally, one of my favorite shots of the day. As she was pulled down the ceremony aisle in a red wagon, the flower girl Alaina threw handfuls of petals but wouldn't crack a smile. Whenever I pointed a camera in her direction, she would drop her head and chew on her bottom lip. That was until the reception when Malinda kicked off her shoes and left them on the side of the dance floor. When Alaina found them, she sat down and traded her own shoes for Malinda's before looking up for everyone's approval. She was so proud of herself and, even though she could barely move in them, she wore those shoes for much of the night.