Email Scam Warning
Fountain City, Knoxville, TN
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Categories: Personal
This may seem really obvious to my computer savvy readers, but I just want to remind everyone that you should never open email attachments or even click on links in emails unless you are 100% positive that they are safe and have been sent by someone you know.
For instance, someone could easily send out emails that look like they are from me or someone you know even though they are not. If you ever receive an unexpected email and are unsure then you can always email or call the sender to check. For links, you can open a browser window and go to the site yourself rather than following a link that may actually be installing a virus on your computer. It can be really tempting to just trust an email when you recognize the sender or if the email says, for instance, that someone you know has sent you an ecard, but it's better to possibly miss out on a real card than to end up a victim.
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