I'm excited because I just received an album in the mail and wanted to share. I'm always looking for new products to offer my customers, and this album is from a new album company that I've been wanting to try. Like other albums I offer, it's a digital album with the photos printed directly on the pages, and the cover has a photo that wraps around from front to back. What I really like about this album is that there isn't a gutter gap between the pages. When you open the book, the spreads lay flat, and the photo is printed across the crease in the center.
Because the bride, Mandy, helps run
Butterfly Gap Retreat with her family, I'm giving them a copy of the album to show their clients at BGR. I'll also have a copy to show my prospective clients. Butterfly Gap is a gorgeous venue, perfect for a bridal or couple portrait session, and I designed the album to showcase photos of the couple. Here are the cover and a few of my favorite spreads: